Column Name | Description | |
Unique compound ID (internal) The information source of compounds can be identified by an initial character of DLiP-ID.
Compound Property | Molecular Weight | Molecular weight of compound |
MW Monoisotopic | Monoisotopic parent molecular weight | |
MolLogP | Calculated MolLogP | |
XLogP | Calculated XLogP | |
ALogP | Calculated ALogP | |
Num H Acceptors/HBA | Number of hydrogen bond acceptors | |
HBA Lipinski | Number of hydrogen bond acceptors calculated according to Lipinski's original rules (i.e., N + O count)) | |
Num H Donors/HBD | Number of hydrogen bond donors | |
HBD Lipinski | Number of hydrogen bond donors calculated according to Lipinski's original rules (i.e., NH + OH count) | |
PSA | Polar surface area | |
nRotatableBonds | Number of rotatable bonds | |
nRings | Number of ring systems | |
Aromatic Rings | Number of aromatic rings | |
Heavy Atoms | Number of heavy (non-hydrogen) atoms | |
QED Weighted | Weighted quantitative estimate of drug likeness (as defined by Bickerton et al., Nature Chem 2012) | |
PPI Chemical Library Feature | PPI Type | Type of 3D structure or Motif of PPI interface |
PDB ID | PDB ID of PPI used for docking calculation | |
Receptor Chain | PDB ID & Chain ID of receptor in PPI | |
Protein Name Receptor | Protein name of receptor in PPI | |
ELM ID | eukaryotic linear motifs (ELMs) id (URL: | |
Motif Sequence | ELM motif sequence | |
fCsp3 | Fraction of carbons that are sp3 (fCsp3) that captures "shapeliness" of a compound | |
Curated Data Property | Target Pref Name | Target preferred name(Uniprots) |
Common Target Pref Name | Common target preferred name(Uniprots) | |
Active | Experimental PPI Activity | |
Active Value | Experimental PPI Activity value | |
Similarity | Calculated molecular similarity |