Column Information

Column Name Description
DLiP-ID Unique compound ID (internal)
The information source of compounds can be identified by an initial character of DLiP-ID.
DLiP (this database)
Journal of Medical Chemistry
Compound Property Molecular Weight Molecular weight of compound
MW Monoisotopic Monoisotopic parent molecular weight
MolLogP Calculated MolLogP
XLogP Calculated XLogP
ALogP Calculated ALogP
Num H Acceptors/HBA Number of hydrogen bond acceptors
HBA Lipinski Number of hydrogen bond acceptors calculated according to Lipinski's original rules (i.e., N + O count))
Num H Donors/HBD Number of hydrogen bond donors
HBD Lipinski Number of hydrogen bond donors calculated according to Lipinski's original rules (i.e., NH + OH count)
PSA Polar surface area
nRotatableBonds Number of rotatable bonds
nRings Number of ring systems
Aromatic Rings Number of aromatic rings
Heavy Atoms Number of heavy (non-hydrogen) atoms
QED Weighted Weighted quantitative estimate of drug likeness (as defined by Bickerton et al., Nature Chem 2012)
PPI Chemical Library Feature PPI Type Type of 3D structure or Motif of PPI interface
PDB ID PDB ID of PPI used for docking calculation
Receptor Chain PDB ID & Chain ID of receptor in PPI
Protein Name Receptor Protein name of receptor in PPI
ELM ID eukaryotic linear motifs (ELMs) id (URL:
Motif Sequence ELM motif sequence
fCsp3 Fraction of carbons that are sp3 (fCsp3) that captures "shapeliness" of a compound
Curated Data Property Target Pref Name Target preferred name(Uniprots)
Common Target Pref Name Common target preferred name(Uniprots)
Active Experimental PPI Activity
Active Value Experimental PPI Activity value
Similarity Calculated molecular similarity